Welcome to CARE Vision Hannover
Your expert for eye laser treatments and lens implantation surgery
Branch Manager
Daniel Juros
0511 89978750
CARE Vision Hannover
Aegidientorplatz 2b
30159 Hannover
Opening hours
Mon – Fri: 9:00 – 18:00
Sat: 9:00 – 15:00
If you are considering an eye laser surgery you´ll need a doctor you can trust. At CARE Vision Hannover you an absolutely rely on us. 99% of our patients would recommend us, according to a survey done with 4151 anonymous patients’ questionnaire. All of our specialized doctors are experienced in eye laser surgery and are proven experts for refractive surgery. CARE Vision Hannover was established in 2009 and since then we are offering expertise and know-how. Our methods are for near – or farsightedness and astigmatism. Thru detailed personal measurements and examinations we will determine which method (LASIK or PRK/LASEK) is best one for your eyes, informing you thoroughly on our results. During our information events we clarify all possible questions that you may have. Is it your wish to have a safe but also fast and convenient treatment? Then our LASIK Weekend is just perfect for you! Friday will be first consultation and tests; Saturday is the eye laser surgery and follow-up examination on Sunday.
Personal consultation appointments
We are happy to advise you about eye laser surgery in a personal consultation. Arrange your desired date here.
Online Video Consultation
- Personal consultation – no matter where you are
- with PC, Tablet oder Smartphone
- of course, non-committal and free of charge
On site advice
- Personal consultation at one of over 20 locations
- Upon request, we carry out a first aptitude test for eye laser surgery
Your way to CARE Vision Hannover
You can see the CARE Vision laser eye center from the third floor of the new Gatehouse at the Aegidientorplatz. The place known as aegi is an important traffic junction and connects downtown southern city. From the Kröpcke, the central square in the heart of Hanover, the gatehouse at the aegi is already clearly visible.
The gate house consists of a narrow main building and an exceptional special construction, the colossal front part of the Office building. This so-called Hängehaus is via a special steel construction from the main building "suspended".
You can reach the Centre via the Metro station Aegidientorplatz (exit of Hildesheimer Strasse, directly under the building). The tram stop Aegidientorplatz is also nearby.
Are you interested in laser eye treatment?
We would be happy to advise you in a non-binding information meeting about laser eye surgery. Reserve your desired date via the online appointment.